Variables!!!! doesn't it sounds familiar? It is an integral part of almost every computer programming tool. Also, it plays a significant role in DAX. Let's start from square one if I introduce Var in the DAX statement that means introducing a variable. Generally, you can use variables with different combinations in DAX but there is a mandatory syntax to pass at the end of it i.e. Return where you define what value that DAX should return if the defined condition matches and the alternate result to it. So let's clear out the ambiguity I will show how the variable works by using them in DAX under different conditions. I am considering Sample Superstore data to test the VAR. The use case is getting the West region Sales. For that, we are defining the Total Sales or Overall Sales by using the Sum of Sales and we will showcase all different regions and their respective sales. Now, I am looking for West Region Sales. You can achieve the same by using the Calculate and filters ( Ho...
Let's discover the story behind your data. Trying to share my experience and learning in using business intelligence tools.