Data modeling is an essential part of creating perfect visuals. While creating complex data models there can be a case where you can find an inactive relationship represented by dotted lines and it occurs because you already have an active relationship between the two tables. But as a developer, you need to use both the relationship. How can it be done? You can use "Use Relationship" in such cases. Use relationship can be added to your DAX and act as a modifier or enhancer for calculation. It activates the inactive relation. But make sure you have an inactive relationship in place before using the use relationship function. Let's see how it works on Sample Superstore data. In my fact table I have two dates- Order date and Ship date. I am making the two relations between my date table and fact table. The relation between the sample superstore (date) to date table (date) is active while the relation between the sample superstore (ship date) to date table (date) is inactive ...
Let's discover the story behind your data. Trying to share my experience and learning in using business intelligence tools.