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Showing posts with the label data visualization

Road to data cleaning

Let's consider a scenario where you get the unstructured data and you need to derive the insights using it. This sounds so baffling to me and considering it for data-driven decision-making is one of the mistakes. This scenario can be intervened by a basic step i.e. data cleaning. As the name suggests it is the prior step you need to take before deriving insights and creating visualizations out of it.  In other words, it is a prerequisite for data visualization. In my novice experience, I have handled data that arrived from a variety of sources also entered manually which can escalate the chances of getting duplicate values and wrong values which is needed to be removed before taking it further. All these steps may include eliminating some values or replacing some data so that the data is befitted for further visualization. In today's blog, I will take into account 6 basic steps which prove out to be useful for me in every data cleaning step. All these steps are quite extensivel

Creating parameters in Power BI

Let's continue where we left in the last blog. As we are quite familiar with the concept of parameters in Tableau Public ( Creating Parameter in Tableau ). In today's blog, we are going to create parameters in Power BI. Parameter is one of the most used features in Power BI as it saves time and makes the dashboard more dynamic in nature. You can easily create parameters in Power BI just by selecting the transform data and on top of that window you can see "Manage Parameter".  In this blog, the main objective is to see how parameter works and how it can improve the reports. To start off I am taking the Global Sample Superstore data into account. Before using parameters if we select regions and sales together we get a simple bar graph. Along with it if I add states then you can see all the states and their sales in the bar graph. It looks great as a method of representation but if your focus is data visualization then it looks really primitive in nature and not easy to

Creating parameters in Tableau Public

Let's start today's blog with some questions. Are you greatly indulge in creating data visualization? Do you want to come up with scenarios that aren't available in the data? If yes then this is the blog you really want to read. Parameters allow you to create features or scenarios which help the user to control the data in a much better way. You must be wondering how the users get a better control so mainly parameters allow the user to test different what-if scenarios that aren't available in the dataset. It is like some value that helps you to tailor your visualization according to the dataset. Options where you can use parameters in tableau- use it with calculated field or you can use it by combining with sets. We will look at both aspects in this blog. We can make the parameters more interactive and intuitive in nature by using parameter actions that allow users to change the value just by a click As mentioned, we are considering two basic aspects for creating parame

Tricks to improve your data visualization

Data visualization is a key element of every business. If your business widely depends on data-driven decision making then data visualization can be the real star of the show. In today's business world data is the key to move forward. But the real challenge for every business is to interpret the data in real-time that's where data visualization comes into play. In my experience, I always prefer to get more intuitive graphs and charts in my dashboard. It will help the higher authorities and stakeholders to connect the dots in datasets and that's why I love data visualization and business intelligence tools.  Basic examples of data visualizations are sunburst charts, heat maps, funnel charts, fever charts, scatter plot graphs, waterfall charts, dual-axis charts, and many more. All these charts look really simple and intuitive but it requires a great effort to create such charts which can be understood by everyone. To make the visualization more meaningful and effective you ne