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SQL v/s SQLite


SQL (Structured Query Language) plays a pivotal role in data analysis. The main purpose to create SQL is to help in managing data stored in Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). In elementary terms, it is the language that is used to interact with the database. You must be aware of the RDBMS which uses SQL extensively such as Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Oracle. SQL and SQL lite both follow the RDBMS model. Let's check out where these two differ.

So let's understand what is SQLite? SQLite act as a library for software. As compared to SQL it does not require any server to function. Generally, RDBMS requires a server to function. SQLite functions by combining the database to the application. The application help in interacting with the database. There is this term "self-contained" which is associated with SQLite which means it can operate on its own without the support of the operating system. This feature is the highlight of SQLite and makes it available to be used on almost every device from mobiles to pcs. It supports almost every feature of SQL but does not support any stored procedures.

Unlike SQLite, SQL requires a database server which means you can't directly combine it with the app you need a server that will allow you to connect to the database files. SQL offers a better user management system where multiple users can work on large datasets which is not in the case of SQLite. When we talk about the security SQL comes with inbuilt security features which require authentication while SQLite doesn't require it.

The main question is among the two which one is used and when? Let's focus on the scenarios where each of them is effective according to my practice. When we talk about SQLite it is much effective when the data is not that big in size and you don't need any sort of scalability. There is a single user and the focus is on basic development and testing. Personally, I have worked more on SQLite because my goals are more oriented to it. 

When it comes to SQL it is much more effective when there are multiple users and require more security and authentication. SQL offers you more scalability on your project along with the ability to handle big data. SQL is used widely to create customized solutions.

Both of them are widely used database management systems it all depends on your needs. Both of them have some pros and cons associated to them. There are some differences in functionality and features at the end you need to select which befits your project.


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