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How to improve your business performance?

Want to improve your business performance? You heard it right it can be achieved by implementing Business Intelligence tools in your business operations and utilize big data in effective decision making. Business Intelligence is a process that can help executives and managers to make informed decisions by analyzing data and by developing actionable insights out of it. It is one of the major concepts which can help your business grow. 

There are several Business Intelligence tools available it all depends on your needs. Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, SQL, QlikView, and many more. All of them perform in a similar way but there are minute differences between them when it comes to their functionality.

  • SAS(SAS BI): Business Intelligence: It is a great business intelligence platform that also offers advanced predictive analytics which can help to predict future business trends. There are several APIs offered by SAS to customize your analysis and reporting.
  • QlikSense(Qlik BI): It is a QLIK product along with Qlik View. It is the most popular BI tool and available on mobile devices too which sets it apart from QlikView because of its advanced storytelling ability. 
  • Microsoft Power BI(Power BI): A Microsoft product that offers web-based business analysis. Because it is web-based it can be accessed from anywhere. It helps users to identify real-time data trends that boost up your campaigning game. It also helps users in integrating their apps to power bi to get real-time reports delivered.
  • Tableau(Tableau BI): Tableau is one of the leading BI tools in the market. Tableau offers several products such as Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, and Tableau Online. It supports multiple data sources Excel, Oracle, SQL, Google Analytics, and Salesforce.
There are plenty of such tools which are available online but the main question is how to learn them? The obvious answer to such a question is by taking online courses via various online learning platforms. It's a good approach if you are a beginner and want to know the basic functionality of such tools but if you want to gain comprehensive knowledge then try to get involved in various guided projects which will cost you less as compared to the full course also it will help you in getting familiar with the tools and its features.
If you do not want to spend money on learning via courses there are several alternatives like virtual internship programs(virtual internship)offered by KPMG, Deloitte, IBM, and many more. Such internship programs will help you in solving real business problems via BI and analytical tools. You can improve your proficiency in any tool not by learning about its features repeatedly but you need to practice it on daily basis.
My go-to approach to learning more about BI is YouTube. Call out any BI and analytical tools you will find a pool of case study videos. Videos can be as long as an hour or more but they will provide you a deep dive knowledge of specific tools. Also, if you don't want to invest such a long time in watching it try to find sample data and play around with it, and experiment. It's a lengthy process but it is the most effective in learning such tools because it allows you to explore the user interface of the tool on your own.
All these approaches are effectively used by me and every approach is rewarding in some or another way. But the key thing is to learn continuously and try to devise new approaches for different analyses. All BI tools are getting updated every now and then to make the user's experience hassle-free so don't be afraid to explore. 


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